Tips for Creating an Edible Garden

Tips For Creating An Edible Garden

Gardening: A Guide to 3 Types of Soil

by Sherri Williams

If you like to garden, then you will understand that the right type of soil is essential for healthy plants. This blog post explores just about everything you need to know about the different types of soil and how to choose the right one for your garden. Keep reading to learn more!


Loam is a type of gardening soil that is prized for its ability to retain moisture and nutrients while still allowing excess water to drain away. This makes it ideal for a wide variety of plants, from drought-tolerant succulents to delicate flowers. Loam is also relatively easy to work with, making it a good choice for new gardeners. In addition, it is relatively inexpensive, which makes it a popular option for large gardens. However, one downside of loam is that it can become compact over time, making it difficult for roots to penetrate. As a result, it is essential to aerate the soil regularly. Loam can be purchased from most garden centres and nurseries.


Clay soil is made up of tiny particles of minerals that have been weathered down over time. It is a very dense soil, and it can be difficult to work with. However, it is also very nutrient-rich, and it drains well. Clay soil is ideal for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers. It is also a good choice for landscaping projects. In order to improve the drainage of clay soil, you can add organic matter such as compost or peat moss. You can also raise the bed of your garden so that the roots of your plants are not sitting in water.


Silt is a type of gardening soil that is composed of very small particles. It has a smooth texture and is often used in potting mixes and as a top dressing for gardens. Silt retains moisture well, but it can also become compact fairly easily. In addition, silt does not drain well and may need to be amended with sand or perlite to improve drainage. While silt is not the best type of soil for growing plants, it can be a good choice for raised beds or other areas where drainage is not a concern. With the proper amendment, silt can be an ideal type of soil for many types of gardening.

Keep these tips in mind when looking to start gardening. If you would like to find out more, contact a soil supplier today.


About Me

Tips For Creating An Edible Garden

I've always been interested in gardening, and when I bought my first home ten years ago, I knew I wanted the garden space to be used to grow food, but I also wanted it to look beautiful. I started researching edible flowers and read about using companion plants interlaced with vegetable plants to create stunning displays of colour throughout the growing season. I realised I could design a garden that was both functional and pleasing to the eye and now only grow edible plants and flowers, such as pansies, borage, violas, lemon verbena, roses and nasturtiums. I started this blog to connect with others who enjoy growing their own food and to share my tips for creating an entirely edible garden. I hope you find my blog interesting and enjoyable to read.
